

Sodyòm hydrosulfite 90%, pare pou chajman ~

Sodyòm hydrosulfite 90%
50kg tanbou, 22.5tons/20'fcl san palettes
2`fcl, destinasyon: peyi Lejip
Pare pou chajman ~


1. The use of sodium hydrosulfite is very wide, mainly including reduction dyeing, reduction cleaning, printing and decolorization in the textile industry, as well as bleaching of silk, wool, nylon and other fabrics. Depi idrosulfit sodyòm pa gen metal lou, koulè a ​​nan twal la blanchi se trè klere epi yo pa fasil fennen.

Ki ka pran dife:Sodyòm dithionite se yon atik ki ka pran dife nan premye klas lè yo mouye dapre estanda nasyonal yo. It will react violently when it comes into contact with water, producing flammable gases such as hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide, and releasing a large amount of heat. Ekwasyon reyaksyon an se: 2Na2S2O4+2H2O+O2 = 4NAHSO3, ak pwodwi yo pli lwen reyaji yo pwodwi idwojèn SULFIDE ak dyoksid souf. Sodyòm dithionite gen yon eta valans entèmedyè nan souf, ak pwopriyete chimik li yo se enstab. Li montre fò diminye pwopriyete. When it encounters strong oxidizing acids, such as sulfuric acid, perchloric acid, nitric acid, phosphoric acid and other strong acids, the two will undergo a redox reaction, and the reaction is violent, releasing a large amount of heat and toxic substances. Ekwasyon reyaksyon li se: 2NA2S2O4+4HCL = 2H2S2O4+4NACL

Combustion espontane:Sodyòm dithionite gen yon pwen ki degaje konbisyon espontane nan 250 ℃. Due to its low ignition point, it is a first-class flammable solid (the ignition point is generally below 300℃, and the flash point of low melting point is below 100℃). Li trè fasil pou boule lè li ekspoze a chalè, dife, friksyon ak enpak. Vitès ki degaje konbisyon an vit epi danje dife a wo anpil. Gaz gaz idwojèn nan idwojèn ki pwodui pandan pwosesis ki degaje konbisyon an ka lakòz yon zòn ki pi gwo konbisyon ki pi gwo, li te ogmante danje dife li yo.

Eksplozyon:Sodyòm dithionite se yon sibstans limyè jòn poud. Sibstans lan poud se fasil yo fòme yon melanj eksplozif nan lè a. Eksplozyon pousyè rive lè rankontre yon sous dife. Melanj lan nan dithionite sodyòm ak pi oksidan, tankou klorat, nitrat, perchlorates, oswa pèrmanganates, se eksplozif. Even in the presence of water, it explodes after a slight friction or impact, especially after thermal decomposition, the flammable gas generated after the reaction reaches the explosion limit, then its explosion hazard is greater.

Post tan: Oct-21-2024